cover for iPhone7 plus & 8 plus Aramid Case carbon Black Grey Twill Ultra Thin Version withe glass screen protected by ipitaka
cover for iPhone7 plus & 8 plus Aramid Case carbon Black Grey Twill Ultra Thin Version withe glass screen protected by ipitaka
Metal plates inside to be attachable to the PITAKA magnetic car mount.
Made of 100% aramid, a high-tech luxury material for body armor, aero space, supercars.
Weightless feel. Weight less than 14g. One of the lightest case on the planet.
Extremely Thin. A slim profile of 0.65mm only.
Extraordinary scratch resistant, grippy but non-slippy coating
Ridiculously durable and incredibly strong. 5 times stronger than steel at the same weight.
No interference to WIFI, GPS, Apple Pay, Wireless charging or your signals